di: Reading Mastery Rainbow Series Availability

Eisele, Mary mary.eisele at mheducation.com
Wed Nov 22 03:59:31 PST 2017


For Levels 1 and 2 of the Rainbow Series, you may substitute the Reading Mastery Signature Edition Reading K and 1 workbooks. These are available from McGraw-Hill. For Levels 3-6 of Rainbow, there is not a substitute as the newer editions of the program had several content changes.

Unfortunately, we cannot grant you rights to make copies of the workbooks.

If you need any additional information, please let me know.

Mary Eisele, Ph.D. | Director Product Management, Direct Instruction | School Group
McGraw-Hill Education | 8700 Orion Place, Columbus, OH 43240
C: 239-450-5754 | mary.eisele at mheducation.com<mailto:mary.eisele at mheducation.com>| mheducation.com<https://spark.mheducation.com/external-link.jspa?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mheducation.com%2F>

From: di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu [mailto:di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu] On Behalf Of Jen Walstad
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 5:00 PM
To: DI at lists.uoregon.edu
Subject: di: Reading Mastery Rainbow Series Availability

We have been using the Rainbow series of Reading Mastery for years.  The consumable workbooks are no longer in print.  We are looking for any advice or help on how to get copies of the consumable workbooks or if there is a way to obtain rights to copy them.


Jen Walstad
District Academic Director
jwalstad at apamail.org<applewebdata://324DC6EB-2AF7-49EA-9AAE-771A83AD280F/jwalstad@apamail.org>

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