di: Direct Instruction Elementary school?

Bryan Wickman bwickman at nifdi.org
Mon Dec 18 09:09:21 PST 2017


I don’t have any schools to refer you to, but there are some excellent resources available on our website, www.nifdi.org. In particular, I would point you to the tutorial on implementing DI: https://nifdi.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6GpdFpnwAYMOc05

Also, read the manual “Achieving Success for Every Student with Direct Instruction,” https://www.nifdi.org/resources/free-downloads/new-to-di/new-school-handouts/528-achieving-success-for-every-student-with-direct-instruction/file

Specific to scheduling see: https://www.nifdi.org/resources/free-downloads/new-to-di/scheduling

I would also invite you to attend one of our training events, such as the National Direct Instruction Conference, held July 23-27 in Eugene, Oregon. 

After you have looked this material over, please feel free to contact me at our offices.

Best Regards,


Bryan Wickman
Outreach Coordinator
bwickman at nifdi.org

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On 12/18/17, 8:58 AM, "Sarah Zahradnik" <di-bounces at lists.uoregon.edu on behalf of szahradnik at claytonridge.k12.ia.us> wrote:

    I am seeking to observe a direct instruction elementary school in the midwest (Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, or Wisconsin) and learn how to implement Reading Mastery  as a core reading instruction in a K-5 building.  I also seek educators that would be willing to share school-wide schedules, what a K or 1st grade reading period looks like in teaching of Reading Mastery Signature Ed.  
    Thank you,
    Sarah Zahradnik
    Elementary Instructional Leader
    Clayton Ridge Community School District 
    Guttenberg, Iowa
    di mailing list
    di at lists.uoregon.edu

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