[Cas-allemps] CAS Interdisciplinary Research Talk with Brendan Bohannan, March 3

CAS Dean casdean at uoregon.edu
Tue Feb 9 11:28:34 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

I’m writing to invite you to the next presentation in the 2020-21 CAS Interdisciplinary Research Talk series. The CAS IR talks are approximately 35-45 minutes followed by a Q&A session. Since much of our teaching and research in the liberal arts is multidisciplinary and collaborative, the talks are meant to encourage conversation, interest, and understanding across divisional lines in the college. Please join us.

Interdisciplinary explorations of the microbial world
Brendan Bohannan, Professor, Environmental Studies and Biology
Wednesday, March 3, 3:30-5:00
Zoom meeting: click here<https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/97365715481> to join

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Brendan Bohannan is a Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology and the James F. and Shirley K. Rippey Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences. His research focuses on understanding the causes and consequences of microbial biodiversity. For the past 12 years his group has increasingly focused on the microbes associated with “hosts” (i.e., humans and other animals). He is especially interested in how the movement of microbes between hosts interacts with host factors (such as genetics and physiology) to determine the types of microbes that reside in an individual host. He is also interested in how important functions such as digestion or immune system stimulation emerge from the complexity of host-microbe interactions.

Talk abstract: When most of us think of “microbes” we think of disease. But the invisible world of microorganisms positively influences all of us in myriad ways, from directly contributing to our health to performing crucial environmental functions that sustain all of life. Given the incredible importance and extraordinary complexity of the microbial world, it is especially ripe for interdisciplinary exploration. In my research group we have been fortunate to team with scholars ranging from architects and engineers to social scientists and philosophers to ask questions about microorganisms, in environments as different as the Amazon rainforest and the inside of the human body. I will describe examples of this work and use these examples to illustrate both the challenges and the opportunities provided by interdisciplinary scholarship.

This promises to be a fascinating talk and discussion. I hope you will join us on March 3 and mark your calendars for the rest of the series, listed below.

Best regards,


Bruce Blonigen
Tykeson Dean


CAS Interdisciplinary Research Talks
All talks are from 3:30 - 5:00

October 14          Erin Beck, Associate Professor of Political Science
                                Insiders’ Accounts of Guatemala’s Specialized Violence Against Women Courts
                                View recorded talk<https://uoregon-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/lisa_uoregon_edu/ET_BminzCTJHrdyuPbF04LUBnuQdGd8ViN_bNOYJbDCYhA?e=qg5aeN>

February 4           Maria Fernanda Escallón, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
                                Heritage and the Trap of Visibility

March 3                Brendan Bohannan, Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology
                                Interdisciplinary Explorations of the Microbial World
                                Zoom link<https://uoregon.zoom.us/j/97365715481>

April 29                 Michael Allan, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Sovereign Images? Envisioning Statecraft in Early Cinema
                                Zoom presentation

May 20                 Thanh Nguyen, Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science
                                Title tba
                                Zoom presentation

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