buyers: NEW TRAININGS: Green Purchasing and Green Office management

Lynne Harrell LHarrell at
Mon Feb 11 10:48:43 PST 2013

Dear UO Staff,

Many of you have asked for support GREENING your workplaces.  This Spring the UO Office of Sustainability is offering two courses to help.  Course information is summarized below with more information contained in the attached flyers.   To register, send an email to Steve Mital, UO Sustainability Director, at smital at<mailto:smital at>.

This 1-hour lunch-time course will orient you to the numerous green campus support services available at UO, show you how to evaluate your office by completing the Green Office scorecard, and stimulate your thinking about greening your workplace.  (Course date:  March 5  Noon - 1:00.  Cost $10 includes lunch.)

Through lectures, discussions, and short assignments, this workshop will help office managers understand the key concepts of green purchasing. The course content includes environmental & social impacts of consumption, interpreting eco-labels, using life-cycle assessment, triple-bottom-line decision making, and a follow-up lunch to review a take-home assignment.  (Course Dates: May 1  8:30 - Noon and May 8 Noon - 1:30.  Cost $30 includes lunch on day two.)

Steve Mital
UO Sustainability Director
smital at
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