Disposal of Equipment Acquired through Sponsored Funds

Business Affairs Office News bao-news at lists.uoregon.edu
Thu Mar 31 16:00:15 PDT 2016

Good afternoon,

The Business Affairs Office (BAO) Property Control Department would like to remind campus departments of our responsibilities when disposing of equipment purchased with sponsored funds.  As a research university, we are responsible for serving as stewards of funds provided by sponsors.  This responsibility extends to equipment purchased by those funds.

Equipment includes:

*         Capitalized equipment (generally $5,000 or greater and has a useful life of greater than one year)

*         High-risk and other minor equipment (generally less than $5,000 or has a useful life of less than one year)

*         Vehicles

*         Vessels

Disposal includes, but is not limited to:

*         Surplus

*         E-Waste

*         Cannibalization

*         Transfers

*         Trade-ins

Under certain conditions, ownership of equipment purchased with sponsored funds may not reside with the UO. The sponsor may require the equipment to be returned or disposed of in accordance with their policies or the contract's terms and conditions. To ensure compliance with this policy:

*         Sponsored Projects Services approval must be obtained prior to disposal

*         All disposals must be coordinated through the BAO Property Control Department

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you,

BAO Property Control Department

Molly Lockhart, 6-1250, mlockhar at uoregon.edu<mailto:mlockhar at uoregon.edu>
Christina Green, 6-3190, cvgreen at uoregon.edu<mailto:cvgreen at uoregon.edu>

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