[Andalusi Studies] Keynote lecture on Tuesday, November 19, at the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo

Hany Rashwan hrashwan7 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 04:22:39 PST 2024

Dear friends and colleagues,

I hope this message finds you and your loved ones in excellent health.

I am honoured to deliver the opening keynote lecture on Tuesday, November
19, for the conference Bodies of Knowledge: Arabic Language, Egyptian
Labor, and Communities of Practice in the History of Archaeology &
Egyptology, hosted by the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo. Dr. Wendy
Doyon and Dr. Marleen De Meyer co-organized the conference. My lecture,
titled “Intellectual Decolonisation: Arabocentric and Eurocentric Knowledge
Production of Ancient Egyptian Language,” will address the dynamics of
knowledge production in the context of comparative criticism.

The conference will cover an array of fascinating topics related to the
postcolonial perspectives and the knowledge production of ancient Middle
Eastern cultures. Many excellent scholars and colleagues will present, and
the sessions promise a rich exchange of ideas. You can download the
abstract booklet in both English and Arabic through this link:


All very best wishes for happiness and health

Hany --

Best wishes,

Dr Hany Rashwan

Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature

United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)

Honorary Research Fellow

School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music

University of Birmingham (UoB)



PhD in  Cultural, Literary and Postcolonial Studies (CCLPS)

Languages & Cultures Faculty

School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
University of London
SOAS, University of London, is a world-leading higher education institution
specializing in the study of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. It has a
unique focus combining both disciplinary and regional expertise with
language scholarship. Founded in 1916, with its first students enrolled in
1917, the School celebrated its Centenary in 2016-17.
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