[Andalusi Studies] Enroll - “Sephardic Culture: An Introduction” - Summer Skills Seminar (8-11 July: remote)
David Wacks
wacks at uoregon.edu
Wed Jan 10 07:16:47 PST 2024
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Enroll - “Sephardic Culture: An Introduction” - Summer Skills Seminar (8-11 July: remote)
The Mediterranean Seminar Summer Skills Seminars are intensive, interactive four-day workshops that provide students, scholars, and professionals with the foundational training in technical skills related to Mediterranean Studies. The Seminars, run by leading scholars, emphasize hands-on reading complemented by supplementary and contextual topics.
All Skills Seminars are held synchronously by remote client (i.e.: Zoom, Teams. etc.) and are open to all. Meeting times are set to accommodate the most possible participants considering the effects of time zones. The meeting times noted below are given in MDT (Mountain Daylight Time), which is EDT -2, CDT -1, PST +1, GMT -8, and WET -9.
“Sephardic Culture: An Introduction” 8-11 July 2024
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with and introduction to and overview of Sephardic thought from the 11th to 17th centuries, with representative readings in rabbinics, polemic, poetry, historiography, travel narrative, mysticism, and philosophy.
This Summer Skills Seminar provides participants with an overview of main currents in Sephardic Studies including historical and cultural trends, texts, sources for the period 900-1700 CE, and the potential of this field to enhance your own research and teaching. It is designed with academics in mind, particularly graduate students, postdocs, and professors working in disciplines such as history, literature, and religious studies, but all interested parties are welcome to apply. Participants will receive a completion certificate which may be listed on your CV and other documents such as grant/fellowship applications. The seminar is held via zoom over four days, with two two-hour sessions each day. Participants are expected to prepare readings in advance of the sessions, which will be a blend of lecture, pair and group discussion, group close readings, and in-class activities.
The Jewish Communities of the Iberian Peninsula left behind a rich legacy in historical documentation and writings in the areas of Rabbinics, polemic, poetry, historiography, travel narrative, mysticism, philosophy, and more. Their expulsion from Spanish territories at the end of the fifteenth century led to a diasporic network of communities in the Mediterranean, Western Europe, and beyond (The Americas, Africa, Asia).
This four-day intensive skills seminar will provide participants with a broad overview of main historical and cultural trends of Premodern Sephardic Studies paired with close readings of representative texts in English (versions in original languages and/or Spanish will be also made available). The seminar is organized both chronologically and generically: we will trace the development of poetry, prose, historiography, and mysticism from Sephardic al-Andalus (900-1200) to Sephardic Christian Iberia (1200-1500), to the Sephardic Diaspora (1500-1700).
The goal is to provide attendees with a basic preparation for including Sephardic sources in teaching and research and provide them with a bona fide (in the form of a certificate of completion for those who attend the full seminar), which may be advantageous in securing grants or other funding for research and travel. Preparation in Sephardic studies can be a way for scholars working in Hispanic, Mediterranean, or Jewish studies (or other fields) to distinguish their research and/or teaching profiles and put them in discussion with new interlocutors.
This Summer Skills Seminar builds on the experience of earlier editions, which participants signaled as “transformative” in terms of their research, and which provided them with an opportunity to network and lay the foundations for future collaborations. For information and participant reviews of our former Skills Seminars (Ladino/Judezmo & Aljamiado) see here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/mediterraneanseminar.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e1ae5bef9757e58afec01a89a&id=71eb245c14&e=0fea57fff5__;!!C5qS4YX3!E3pbsKfjAXFn3YTNo_50Yczn7FmA4tgQSuP_5d1p4iPAoHJoPU4QkxOYMNjDwgL8ZYVup8N8OM_jYmZiBUoqVOg0ocE$>.
The course will be conducted by Prof. David A. Wacks (Romance Languages, University of Oregon (PhD UC Berkeley 2003), Harry Starr Fellow in Jewish Studies (Harvard, 2006), and recipient of the 2015 National Jewish Book Award in the category of Sephardic Culture. His research focuses on the literary footprint of the confluence of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the Iberian Peninsula and Sephardic Diaspora. He blogs on his current research at davidwacks.uoregon.edu<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/mediterraneanseminar.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e1ae5bef9757e58afec01a89a&id=f0f9c03b2a&e=0fea57fff5__;!!C5qS4YX3!E3pbsKfjAXFn3YTNo_50Yczn7FmA4tgQSuP_5d1p4iPAoHJoPU4QkxOYMNjDwgL8ZYVup8N8OM_jYmZiBUoqw77Sywo$>.
The course will be held 8-11 July 2024 from 10am to noon and 1-3pm Mountain Time (MDT) via ZOOM
$1000 for Full Professors, Librarians & Professionals
$750 for tenured Associates, Emerita/us, Retired Faculty, Independent Scholars & Non-Academics;
$500 for non-tenured Associates and Assistants & Graduate and Undergraduate students;
$350 for Adjuncts, Lecturers & Contingent faculty.
Members of University of Colorado departments may be eligible for a discount.
Applicants who are (1) nationals; (2) current residents; (3) AND faculty or students in low-per-capita GDP countries may apply for a reduction (please see below).
Payment information will be provided at the time of acceptance. Posted fees do not include a 5% processing fee. NB - fees have not changed since 2017, we anticipate an increase of 10% for 2025.
Application & Information
Please note: sessions will not be recorded; synchronous attendance is required.
The regular application period is until April 15. Applicants will be advised of acceptance on April 21. Payment of no less than 50% of the course tuition is due on April 28, with the balance due on May 7. Applicants waiting on a grant or subvention may request an extension for the second payment.
Late applicants may be accommodated if space remains. Full payment will be due within three days of acceptance, including a $50 surcharge for late applications.
All payments are final and non-refundable. A letter of confirmation/ receipt will be provided by the Mediterranean Seminar.
For complete information and to apply see https://www.mediterraneanseminar.org/overview-sephardic-culture-2024<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/mediterraneanseminar.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e1ae5bef9757e58afec01a89a&id=7271f8568e&e=0fea57fff5__;!!C5qS4YX3!E3pbsKfjAXFn3YTNo_50Yczn7FmA4tgQSuP_5d1p4iPAoHJoPU4QkxOYMNjDwgL8ZYVup8N8OM_jYmZiBUoqDQISCck$>
This program is organized by the Mediterranean Seminar and is made possible thanks to the support of the University of Colorado Boulder.
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