[Andalusi Studies] (no subject)
María de las Mercedes Delgado Pérez
mmdelgado at us.es
Sat Sep 30 09:08:03 PDT 2023
Congratulations, Alejandro, so interesting.
On how certain historical events of special relevance to Spain are still
being recounted today, my latest article on the subject has just come
out. In it I compare the TVE series _Isabel_ with Hernando de Baeza's
_Historia de los Reyes de Granada_, perhaps the best historical source
on the most decisive period of his reign: the War of Granada.
I attach the PDF file for anyone who might be interested in this
comparison and its results.
Congratulations again and best weekend for everybody,
Dra. María de las Mercedes Delgado Pérez
Contratada Doctora US
IP HUM1093: Historia, Civilización y Cultura Araboislámica
www.us.es [1]
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[1] http://www.us.es/
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