[Andalusi Studies] New Open-Access teaching unit: Núñez-Muley's Memorial (1566)
David Wacks
wacks at uoregon.edu
Mon Nov 13 16:29:19 PST 2023
Dear colleagues,
Open Iberia/América is happy to announce the publication of a new teaching unit: Prof. Lisette Balabarca Faccioli’s edition of a selection, with short introduction and notes, from Francisco Núñez-Muley’s Memorial (1566).<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2023/11/14/francisco-nunez-muley-memorial-granada-1566/>
This unit, and some 20 others drawn from premodern Iberian and Latin American sources, are available for download, reproduction, and reuse with an Open Access license for you and your students.
This is a reminder that the editorial team of Open Iberia/América (primarily Castlian editor Sol Miguel-Prendes and me, with the support of a team of editors specialized in the languages of the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas) maintains a collection of pedagogical editions of medieval and early modern texts at https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/.
The texts are edited in their original languages, with an introduction for students and non-specialists, translation, and notes in English. There is also a version with introduction, translation, and notes in Spanish, so the units can be used in either English- or Spanish-speaking classrooms.
All texts are published under a Creative Commons license<https://creativecommons.org/licenses/>, and so can be downloaded, copied, modified, and distributed without copyright fees or permission, but with attribution.
We currently have some twenty texts published, most of them excerpts (approx. 2000-5000 words) of longer works, with a number of other texts in the pipleline:
* Ibn Hazm, Risāla fī rithāʼ madīnat Qurṭuba (A Treatise on Lamenting the City of Cordova)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/18/ibn-hazm/> (Cordova, 1031)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/18/ibn-hazm/> (ed. Mustafa Binmayaba, Arabic/Spanish/English)
* Cantar de Mio Cid (1207)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2020/09/17/cantar-de-mio-cid-ca-1200/> (ed. Matthew Bailey, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Sendebar (1253)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/sendebar-1253/> (ed. David Arbesú, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Alfonso X, General estoria, Actaeon (ca. 1280)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/alfonso-x-general-estoria-actaeon-ca-1280/> (ed. Erik Ekman, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Siete Infantes de Lara (Castile, ca. 1280)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/?p=94&preview=true> (ed. Peter Mahoney, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Mocedades de Rodrigo (Castile, ca. 1300)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/08/10/mocedades-de-rodrigo-ca-1300/> (ed. Matthew Baily, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)Ramon Muntaner, Crònica (Valencia, ca. 1330) on the Catalan vengeance (1305-1307) <https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/?p=102&preview=true> (ed. Vicente Lledó-Guillem, Medieval Catalan/Modern Spanish/English)
* Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor (ca. 1330)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2020/09/17/lba/> (ed. Mary-Anne Vetterling, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Juan Manuel, Conde Lucanor (ca. 1335)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2020/09/17/don-juan-manuel-conde-lucanor-ca-1335/> (ed. Anita Savo and Mario Cossío, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Ferrán Martínez’s speech at the Tribunal del Alcázar in Seville, 19 February, 1388<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/ferran-martinezs-speech-at-the-tribunal-del-alcazar-in-seville-19-february-1388/> (ed. Maya Soifer Irish, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Anonymous, La danza general de la muerte (early 15th century)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/10/18/anonimo-la-danza-general-de-la-muerte-s-xv/> (ed. Michelle Hamilton, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Conversos and Identity (poems of Comendador Román and Antón de Montoro, excerpts from Andrés Bernáldez’s Memorias and the Libro de Alborayque (late 15th century)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/conversos-and-identity-poems-of-comendador-roman-and-anton-de-montoro-excerpts-from-andres-bernaldezs-memorias-and-the-libro-de-alborayque-late-15th-century/> (ed. Ana Gómez-Bravo, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English)
* Omar Patón, Memorial de ida y venida hasta Makka (Memoir of the journey to and from Mecca) (late 15th century)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/12/06/omar-paton-memorial-de-ida-y-venida-hasta-meca-memoir-of-the-journey-to-and-from-mecca-castile-15th-c/> (ed. Pablo Roza Candás, Aljamiado/Modern Spanish/English)
* Fernando de Rojas, Celestina (1499) <https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/fernando-de-rojas-celestina-1499/> (ed. Ana Montero, Medieval Castilian/Modern Spanish/English )
* Juan Latino, “On the Birth of Untroubled Times” (De natali serenissimi) (1572)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/juan-latino-on-the-birth-of-untroubled-times-de-natali-serenissimi-1572/> (ed. Elizabeth Wright, Latin/Modern Spanish/English)
* Anonymous, Leyenda de la Doncella Carcayçiyona (Aragón, ca. 1587) <https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2022/01/24/legend-de-la-doncella-carcayciyona-aragon-ca-1587/> (ed. Donnie Wood and Jordan Kaplan, Aljamiado/Modern Spanish/English)
* María de Zayas, Novelas amorosas y ejemplares, “La fuerza del amor” (1637)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/02/05/maria-de-zayas-novelas-amorosas-y-ejemplares-la-fuerza-del-amor-1637/> (ed. Pau Pau Cañigueral Batllosera, Spanish/English)
* Isaac Cardoso, Las excelencias de los hebreos, Chapter on the blood libel. (1649)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2020/09/17/cardoso_excelencias/> (ed. David Wacks, Spanish/English)
* Pablo Tac, Conversión de los Saluiseños de la Alta California (c. 1840)<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/2021/08/02/pablo_tac/> (ed. Damian Bacich, Spanish/English).
If you are interested in collaborating by contributing a text that you like to teach, or have always wanted to teach but that lacked a pedagogical edition, please have a look at our (relatively flexible) editorial norms, and please be in touch with me (wacks at uoregon.edu).
Best wishes,
David Wacks (he/him/his)
Head and Professor of Spanish
Dept of Romance Languages
School of Global Studies and Languages<https://cas.uoregon.edu/global>
University of Oregon
Phone +1-541-346-4029
General Editor, Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/>
agenda<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/agenda> / blog<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/> / cv<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/cv/> / twitter<https://twitter.com/davidwacks> / hcommons.org<http://hcommons.org/members/davidwacks> / LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wacks-b2b509aa/>
Book an appointment with me<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/ProfWacksofficehours@uoregon.edu/bookings/>
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