[Andalusi Studies] Correction: Kenneth B. Wolf, April 25, 5pm (NYC)– with URLs for registration & seminar page

David Wacks wacks at uoregon.edu
Tue Apr 4 11:11:48 PDT 2023

Sent on behalf of Dagmar Riedel

Mea culpa.
    I had not realized the embedded URLs had been stripped during the
    Here are the URL for registration
    and the URL for the seminar's webpage
    I am sorry for the inconvienence,
    Dagmar Riedel

David Wacks (he/him/his)
Head and Professor of Spanish
Dept of Romance Languages
School of Global Studies and Languages<https://cas.uoregon.edu/global>
University of Oregon

General Editor, Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/>
agenda<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/agenda> / blog<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/> / cv<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/cv/> / twitter<https://twitter.com/davidwacks> / hcommons.org<http://hcommons.org/members/davidwacks> / LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wacks-b2b509aa/>

Book an appointment with me<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/ProfWacksofficehours@uoregon.edu/bookings/>

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