[Andalusi Studies] PhD Position Medieval Iberia

Javier Albarran Iruela javier.albarran at uam.es
Wed Oct 5 02:24:19 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

Please find attached a call for a 4 years PhD position in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid within the project “CONFLICTIVIDAD RELIGIOSA EN LA EDAD MEDIA PENINSULAR: CONFRONTACIÓN, COEXISTENCIA Y CONVIVENCIA (SS. VIII-XV)”. We would appreciate it if you could circulate it among your interested students.

Many thanks in advance and all the best

Dr. Javier Albarrán
Assistant Professor
Medieval Islamic History

Departamento de Historia Antigua, Medieval y Paleografía y
Diplomática, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Autónoma de
C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente, 1, 28049. Módulo II, despacho 3.8.

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