[Andalusi Studies] Friday: Symposium celebrating reissue of James Monroe's 'Islam and the Arabs in Spanish Scholarship'

David Wacks wacks at uoregon.edu
Tue Mar 29 07:21:06 PDT 2022

50(+) years of Islam and the Arabs in Spanish Scholarship (James Monroe, Brill 1970): A symposium on the occasion of its reissue

Friday April 1, 2022
UC Berkeley Center For Middle Eastern Studies
340 Stephens, Berkeley, CA

This one-day symposium will celebrate the impact of James T. Monroe’s seminal study Islam and the Arabs in Spanish Scholarship, which has just appeared in a revised second edition<https://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674251694>, as well as the study of Islam in the West more broadly speaking.

Much has happened since its original publication in 1970. Scholars from the US and abroad will present papers on the legacy of Monroe’s work and the current state of Arabic Studies and Islam in Spain and the US. This will be a hybrid event with both in-person and virtual presentations from an international group of scholars.

To register for this event:



9:00  Ignacio Navarete (UC Berkeley), Welcome/Opening Remarks
9:30  David Wacks and Michelle M. Hamilton, “50(+) years of Islam and the Arabs in Spanish Scholarship”

10:00-12:00 [panelists will join via Zoom]
Alejandro García Sanjuán (University of Huelva) “Nationalism and Colonialism in Spanish Scholarship about Medieval Iberia.” [virtual]
Brian Catlos (University of Colorado, Boulder): “Islam and the Arabs in Spanish scholarship: the last 50 years…. and the next?”
Christina Civantos (University of Miami): “Jamón & Halal: Islam and the Arabs in Spain’s Alpujarra Region”

Lunch break

1:30-3:30 [the first panelist will join via Zoom]
Dwight Reynolds (UC Santa Barbara) “50 years (+) of Music Scholarship on Medieval Iberia” [virtual]
Kevin Blankinship (Brigham Young University) “A Banū Sāsān Underworld Poem by Naṣrid Andalusī Jurist ʿUmar al-Mālaqī (d. after 1440 CE)”
Nasser Merkhan (UC Berkeley) “Translating Populism: On The Risāla of Ibn García”

James T. Monroe, Concluding Remarks

David Wacks (he/him/his)
Head and Professor of Spanish
University of Oregon Dept of Romance Languages
General Editor, Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/>
agenda<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/agenda> / blog<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/> / cv<http://davidwacks.uoregon.edu/cv/> / twitter<https://twitter.com/davidwacks> / hcommons.org<http://hcommons.org/members/davidwacks> / LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-wacks-b2b509aa/>

Book an appointment with me<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/ProfWacksofficehours@uoregon.edu/bookings/>
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