[Andalusi Studies] Workshop on "The influence of Islamicate institutions on medieval trade. An approach from the Islamic West"

ENEKO LOPEZ eneko.lopezm at ehu.eus
Fri Nov 12 08:47:28 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

I would like to inform you that in a week's time (Friday 19 November),  
the University of the Basque Country will be hosting the IV Workshop  
on Introduction to the Arab-Muslim World "The influence of Islamicate  
institutions on medieval trade. An approach from the Islamic West".  
Please find attached the diptych and the poster.

The workshop will be held in English and Spanish, but there will be a  
system of simultaneous translation of the English lectures into  
Spanish. Thus, the event can be followed online in two ways:
   • If you want to listen to all the lectures without translation  
(Spanish and English), the link is (no comments or questions allowed):  
   • If you want to listen to all the conferences in Spanish, the link  
is (comments and questions can be asked through the chat):  

Best regards,

Eneko López Martínez de Marigorta
Assistant Professor at the University of the Basque Country

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