[Andalusi Studies] New Open Iberia/América unit: Sendebar (ed. David Arbesú)

David Wacks wacks at uoregon.edu
Mon Sep 14 16:36:44 PDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

I’m pleased to announce the publication of a new teaching unit in Open Iberia/América:<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/__;!!C5qS4YX3!WLytD7GHBhaFRBys_czzLK_CO2RGVENYEkvBPmSz6UkJh2EkGGUb927uwKYvRewB$>

Sendebar (1253), by David Arbesú

All units are published is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/__;!!C5qS4YX3!WLytD7GHBhaFRBys_czzLK_CO2RGVENYEkvBPmSz6UkJh2EkGGUb927uwAzdg1Eh$>. You are free to download, share, adapt and republish, provided you attribute the source and do not use for commercial purposes.

This unit contains a selection of texts from the Sendebar (1253), one of the most famous and widespread collections of exemplary literature in the Middle Ages, with versions in Arabic, Syriac, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew, and Spanish. The importance of this work lies in the fact that, together with the Calila and Dimna, it was the first collection of Eastern tales to make it into the Iberian Peninsula, bringing with it a new way of organizing the plot around a narrative frame which gave meaning to each separate tale. The selection includes the three tales from the second day of the trial: the first is narrated by the woman, who claims that the Prince tried to rape her; the other two are narrated by one of the king’s counselors, who tries to convince the king to keep calm (first tale) and that all women are deceitful (second tale). Types of courses where the text might be useful: History, literature, and culture of medieval Spain, al-Andalus, Maghreb, Translation, Tales.

I hope you are all staying safe and look forward to seeing you again when it becomes possible!

Best regards,

David Wacks (he/him/his)
Head and Professor of Spanish
Dept of Romance Languages
University of Oregon
General Editor, Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology<https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/>
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