[Andalusi Studies] Call for papers MediterráneoS 2020

Adday Hernandez Adday158 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 28 06:05:42 PST 2020

Call for papers

The fourth edition of the “MediterráneoS” international conference, organized by predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers belonging to the Institute of Languages ​​and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Middle East<http://ilc.csic.es/> (ILC, CCHS - CSIC), will take place in October 2020, 14th to 16th. Our Institute brings together very diverse fields related to different languages ​​and cultures of the Mediterranean, considering the Mediterranean as a social, historical and geographical ensemble and attending to its Greco-Roman, Jewish, Arab and Near Eastern (including the Ancient Near East) origins and influences.

The objective of “MediterráneoS 2020” is to propose a multidisciplinary space of debate in which young researchers dedicated to the study of the different cultures represented in our Institute present their research works in relation to the transfer of knowledge, either in time and space, and from any perspective and methodology: from the study of educational systems to the transmission of ideas, texts, artistic techniques or work methodologies, utensils, legends, ceremonies, etc. Presentations in which the Mediterranean is outlined as a space of contact and exchange between peoples and cultures will be especially appreciated.

We invite young researchers (PhD students or postdocs at the beginning of their scientific training) in any discipline included in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences to participate in these conferences by presenting communications. The talks will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes and may be presented in Spanish, English or French.

MediterráneoS has funding for some travel grants for those people who might need it (within a maximum of 100€).

Proposals (which can be presented in different formats, such as presentations, workshops, posters, etc.) may be sent until February 28, 2020 (briefly indicating in the subject the subject treated in the proposal) to the following email: jornadas_mediterraneos at cchs.csic.es<mailto:jornadas_mediterraneos at cchs.csic.es>. They must contain 300 - 500 words. The proposal must be accompanied by a set of keywords, name and surname, degree, research center or university of origin year in which the doctorate was earned (if it applies) and, in case of applying for the travel grant, reasons for requesting it. Please, attach your CV when sending the proposal.

The selected researchers will be duly informed, and then asked to pay a registration fee of 25 euros

Adday Hernández López,
investigadora postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva - incorporación
Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo (ILC)
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales (CCHS)
calle Albasanz, 26-28, 28037 MADRID
Despacho 1D25
Tlf. 916022892
adday.hernandez at cchs.csic.es

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