[Andalusi Studies] upcoming publication

Dwight Reynolds dreynold at religion.ucsb.edu
Mon Aug 24 19:39:28 PDT 2020

Some of you may be interested in this book (due out in early 2021):

*The Musical Heritage of al-Andalus*
Dwight F. Reynolds
Routledge/Taylor & Francis


The hard copy is unfortunately a bit pricey ($124), but there is a $31
discount for pre-orders (see the link above).  In 12-18 months the
paperback will be released and (I have been told) will be much more
reasonably priced.  A number of you will find yourselves thanked, cited and
quoted therein!

(The website includes a description and the Table of Contents.)

In the meantime, I hope all of you are safe, healthy, and clinging to at
least a little bit of sanity during these stressful and crazy times.

Best regards,

Dwight F. Reynolds, Professor
Arabic Language &  Literature
Department of Religious Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
<dreynold at religion.ucsb.edu>
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