[Andalusi Studies] The Poetry of Arab Women from the Pre-Islamic Age to Andalusia

Wessam Elmeligi elmeligi at umich.edu
Thu Sep 5 00:56:47 PDT 2019

Dear all,

I am pleased to announce to that my book *The Poetry of Arab Women from the
Pre-Islamic Age to Andalusia
*is available from Routledge.

You can get a 20% discount with the attached flyer.

Here is a description of the book from the publisher's website:

[image: Arab Women Poets.jpg]


This is a compilation of poetry written by Arabic women poets from
pre-Islamic times to the end of the Abbasid caliphate and Andalusia, and
offers translations of over 200 poets together with literary commentary on
the poets and their poetry.

This critical anthology presents the poems of more than 200 Arabic women
poets active from the 600s through the 1400s CE. It marks the first
appearance in English translation for many of these poems. The volume
includes biographical information about the poets, as well as an analysis
of the development of women’s poetry in classical Arabic literature that
places the women and the poems within their cultural context. The book
fills a noticeable void in modern English-language scholarship on Arabic
women, and has important implications for the fields of world and Arabic
literature as well as gender and women’s studies.

The book will be a fascinating and vital text for students and researchers
in the fields of Gender Studies and Middle Eastern studies, as well as
scholars and students of translation studies, comparative literature,
literary theory, gender studies, Arabic literature, and culture and

About the SeriesFocus on Global Gender and Sexuality

Kind regards,

Wessam Elmeligi,

Assistant Professor,
Department of Language, Culture, and Communication
College of Sciences, Arts and Letters,
University of Michigan-Dearborn
3093 CASL Building
4901 Evergreen Rd
Dearborn MI 48126
Tel: 3135935429

Routledge Featured Authors


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