[Andalusi Studies] CFP (Mediterranean Studies at MLA Seattle)

Hutcheson,Gregory gregory.hutcheson at louisville.edu
Sat Mar 2 07:20:17 PST 2019

Colleagues in Andalusi studies:  Please consider participating in one of the following two sessions on Mediterranean Studies slated for the MLA's annual meeting in Seattle this coming January. (Note that the second session is a collaboration between CLCS Mediterranean and  LLC Medieval Iberian.)


Greg Hutcheson

University of Louisville

Chair, CLCS Mediterranean executive committee


Is There a Future for Mediterranean Studies?: A Roundtable

This roundtable seeks to ignite critical debate about the future of Mediterranean Studies by weighing current challenges, emergent approaches and methodologies, and new corpuses of study. (Submit a 200-word abstract for a 3-page position paper.)

Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 17 March 2019

Gregory S. Hutcheson, U of Louisville (gshutch at louisville.edu <mailto:gshutch at louisville.edu> )

Alternative Communities in the Medieval Mediterranean
How does medieval literature’s engagement with the Mediterranean’s complex networks of exchange transform its audience's sense of belonging and/or promote alternative communities? Collaborative session with LLC Medieval Iberian. (Seeking 250-word abstracts for 20-minute papers.)

Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 17 March 2019

Gregory Hutcheson, University of Louisville (gregory.hutcheson at louisville.edu <mailto:gregory.hutcheson at louisville.edu> )

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