[Andalusi Studies] Notes on the seals of Umayyad conquest (first part of the VIII th century)

Tawfiq Ibrahim tawfiq at telefonica.net
Fri Feb 2 09:18:09 PST 2018

Dear list member a short article on the material evidence of the Umayyad conquest of Hispania and the formation of al-Andalus.

   Philippe SENAC & Tawfiq IBRAHIM

Notes sur des sceux de la conquete omeyyadde (premier moitie du VIII siecle)

Notes on the seals of Umayyad conquest (first part of the VIII th century)

The paper publishes and comments on a small number of lead seals of remarkable historical importance found in 2005 in Ruscino near Perpignan (Narbonne). The lead seals, inscribed in Arabic early Kufi script, shed new light on the activities of the Arab led armies in the Gallic lands (France) at the beginning of the 8th century and give evidence of the redistribution of booty gained in their rapid raids in Gaul. A further comparison is made with the much more diverse material discovered in Umayyad  Hispania/ al-Andalus, these last mention names of governors, peace pacts with city names, poll taxes, djizya, allotments, redistribution, etc..

Attached or see at : https://www.academia.edu/35823747/Notes_sur_des_sceux_de_la_conqu%C3%AAte_omeyyadde_premier_moitie_du_VIII_siecle_Notes_on_the_seals_of_Umayyad_conquest_first_part_of_the_VIII_th_century_
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