[Andalusi Studies] predoctoral grant for the project on the Maghrib in the Mashriq

ISABEL FIERRO BELLO maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es
Mon Oct 2 11:06:49 PDT 2017

Mayte Penelas (Escuelas de Estudios Arabes de Granada) and Maribel  
Fierro (ILC-CCHS, CSIC Madrid) are presently directing a four year  
project - financed by the Spanish MInistry MINECO - to study the  
intellectual impact of the Maghrib in the Mashriq as well as the  
Mashriqi imaginaire on the Maghrib. The project includes a  
pre-doctoral grant:

We shall appreciate if you could pass the information to students who  
may be interested,
Maribel Fierro and Mayte Penelas

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