[Andalusi Studies] Seals of the Umayyad conquest and the formation of al-Andalus.

Tawfiq Ibrahim tawfiq at telefonica.net
Wed Nov 15 13:15:01 PST 2017

Dear members,


Los precintos de la conquista Omeya y la formacion de al-Andalus (711-756)

                                     by Philippe Senac . Tawfiq Ibrahim

"The seals  of the Umayyad conquest and the formation of al-Andalus.

This is the first corpus of the known lead seals, to date, covering the
periods of the Umayyad conquest and its governors in al-Andalus, (ca 711 to

It combines those found in the Iberian Peninsula and those of the Narbone

A total of 141 lead elements  with arabic text covering many diverse
typologies: seals of  known governors, Al-Hurr, Al-Samh, 'Ambada b. Sukhaim,
ect./ those of peace treaties, sulkh & musalakha  with various cities names,
Seville, Badja, Libira,Ukshuniya(Faro), Sidonia, Cordoba and regions like
ard Djayan(land of Jaen!) / poll tax 'ahl' seals of djizya  with city names/
seals  of allotment, qism,maqsum, qad qusim /  "fay Allah" seals of the 1/5
one Rayya( Malaga)/  seals of booty  redistribution, maghnum / one possible
"djund" area a seal Hums(Seville)/ seals of licitude, djaza, djawaz / one
seal of possible feminine booty allotment kharaid ? / ect...

I would very much have liked to dedicate it to "IGNACIO OLAGUE and
 followers" but my much more serious co-author did not agree.

The original draft was written by us in French and specifically translated
to Spanish for this edition. The written contents of the actual seals are in

A preview can be seen at:  https://www.academia.edu/34935615

Best wishes,

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