[Andalusi Studies] "Jurar a l'alquibla"? Oaths made in qibla or facing East?

David Wacks wacks at uoregon.edu
Thu Mar 16 22:49:48 PDT 2017

Dear colleagues:

In Joanot Martorell's *Tirant lo Blanc*, Muslim characters are asked to *jurar
a l'alquibla *(as if they were swearing on the Bible) more than once. Does
this reflect any historical practice or reference to making an oath of
particular force while standing in the *qibla*, or perhaps while facing
East, or is it just a fanciful construction of the author?

Thanks very much for any light you can shed on this question.

Best regards,

David Wacks
Professor of Spanish
UO Dept of Romance Languages
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