[Andalusi Studies] question regarding susodicho

Beale-Rosano-Rivaya, Yasmine C yb10 at txstate.edu
Mon Feb 27 09:39:51 PST 2017

Hello again,

I am grappling with a document that includes ´el susodicho Arzobispo´ (11th century).

My question is regarding susodicho. In this case, the Arzobispo does not explicitly appear previously in this document, however, it states that the parties were introduced to each other before the recording of the contract.  The only other person that Arzobispo could potentially refer to in this document is a Jewish Rabi. I, personally, think it is a stretch to think that the term Arzobispo could have such a broad meaning in the 11th century to mean any important religious figure.

I am wondering if in this case we can consider susodicho to be a more broad term and not to mean literally susdicho in the document but more like ya mencionado o ya presentado o aquí presente?

So basically, I have two ways of interpreting this passage either 1) arzobispo means any important religious figure such as, in this case, a Jewish Rabi ; OR 2)  susodicho does not mean literally in the document but rather aquí presentes a la hora de acordar el contrato.

I am leaning towards allowing susodicho to have a broader meaning. Thoughts?

I greatly appreciate your indulgence on this issue. I realize that the answers to my questions may seem self-evident but I am working with a complicated document and want to make sure I do not miss any reasonable or significant interpretation.



Yasmine Beale-Rivaya, Ph.D
Associate Professor
Historical Hispanic Linguistics

Department of Modern Languages
Texas State University
601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666

Centennial Hall 144
ph: 512-245-7271
fax: 512-245-8298

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