[Andalusi Studies] Lubna al-Qurtubiyya

Davila, Carl cdavila at brockport.edu
Tue Feb 7 03:12:41 PST 2017


I have a student who is assigned to give a presentation on Lubna al-Qurtubiyya. She cannot find much about Lubna online, and in particular, none of her poetry seems to be readily available in translation.

Does anyone on this list have access to biographical material in either Spanish or English, and especially translations of her work?


Dr. Carl Davila
Associate Professor of History
The College at Brockport, S.U.N.Y.
350 New Campus Drive
Brockport, NY  14420
O: +1 585 395-5699
F: +1 585 395 2620

"If scissors are not used daily on the beard,
it will not be long before the beard is, by its
luxuriant growth, pretending to be the head."

- Hakim Jami' (d. 1492)

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