[Andalusi Studies] Query: The Almohads' Dhimmi Policies

Yadgar, Liran liran.yadgar at yale.edu
Wed Nov 16 12:40:19 PST 2016

Dear Friends,

With apologies for cross listing, I would appreciate any of your recommendations for readings, whether primary or secondary, on the policies of the Almohad movement, and especially of Ibn Tumart (ca. 1080-1130), and his disciple, the first Almohad caliph, 'Abd al-Mu'min (r. 1130-1163), towards Jews and Christians. Is there anything in Ibn Tumart's teachings, pointing to his attitude towards the dhimmis? What sources best discuss the Almohad anti-dhimmi policies? And do Christian sources provide any new information of the Almohad State and its treatment of Jews and Christians?

Please respond off-list at liran.yadgar at yale.edu.

Thank you,


Liran Yadgar
Postdoctoral Associate
Judaic Studies, Yale University
liran.yadgar at yale.edu
Website: https://yale.academia.edu/LiranYadgar
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