[Andalusi Studies] New addition to Tonegawa Collection

Tawfiq Ibrahim tawfiq at telefonica.net
Mon Feb 8 15:19:01 PST 2016

Dear members, 

An important historical coin has been added to the Tonegawa Collection.

A round Almohad dirham of the mint Marrakush dated 628H:


It is, to date, the only material evidence of the failed revolutionary and very bloody attempt by the Almohad Abu al 'Ula Idris I al-Ma`mun (624-629/1227-1231) at breaking with the Almohad Mahdist Credo and an attempted to return to 'Sunni orthodoxy`. The most significant change, among others, on the coin is the substitution of "al-Mahdi Imam al-Umma" by " al-Quran Imam al-Umma" . This last emblematic phrase would be taken up at a later time by the Marinid dynasty.

For Arabic reading of the coin see under ruler at:


Best regards,

Tawfiq Ibrahim
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