[Andalusi Studies] On the veneration of the Prophet, sources for the conquest, and reconquista and Romanic art

ISABEL FIERRO BELLO maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es
Tue Sep 29 10:51:04 PDT 2015

Two new books have been recently published which could be of interest  
for members of this list:

- Javier Albarrán, Veneración y polémica. Muhammad en la obra del Qadi  
Iyad (see attachment)

- García Moreno, L. A., Sánchez Medina, E., Fernández Fonfría, L.:  
Historiografía y representaciones. III estudios sobre las fuentes de  
la conquista islámica, RAH, Madrid, 2015.

A documentary also of interest:
- Inés Monteira on the representation of Islam in Romanesque art,  
documentary entitled The Romanesque and the  “Reconquista.”/ It lasts  
23 minutes. subtitled in English on YouTube: 

Maribel Fierro

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