[Andalusi Studies] New volume of Estudios Arabes e Islamicos. CSIC

DELFINA SERRANO RUANO delfina.serrano at cchs.csic.es
Wed Nov 25 06:47:41 PST 2015

Dear colleagues,

This is just to let you know that a new volume of the CSIC series  
Estudios Arabes e Islamicos. Monografias (Arabic and Islamic Studies.  
Monographs) has just been published:

Cyrille Aiyet and Bulle Tuil Leonetti (eds.), Dynamiques religieuses  
et territoires du sacré au Maghreb médieval. Élements d'enquête,  
Estudios Arabes e Islamicos. Monografias, number 20, Madrid, CSIC,  
2015, 288 PAGS.


A pdf with the list of contributions is attached.

Best regards,
Delfina Serrano, PhD Tenured Researcher
Chief Editor of Estudios Arabes e Islamicos
Institute for Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near  
East (ILC)
Spanish National Council for Scientific Research, Madrid

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