[Andalusi Studies] Tabari in Andalusia

ISABEL.FIERRO.BELLO.10332 maribel.fierro at cchs.csic.es
Tue May 13 10:59:58 PDT 2014

Al-Tabari,s chronicle was introduced in al-Andalus by scholars who  
died in the 340's/960's and in the second half of that century Arib b.  
Sa'id wrote a supplement to it.
I do not have now the data (I am travelling) but when I come back to  
Spain I can send you them.
Maribel Fierro

Quoting Isabel Toral-Niehoff <itoralnie at gmail.com>:

> Dear members of the list,
> Does anyone have information about when, and how the Chronicle of Tabari
> came to Al-Andalus?
> Thanks a lot,
> Isabel
> --
> PD Dr. Isabel Toral-Niehoff
> Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik
> Altensteinstraße 34
> 14195 Berlin
> M4Human Senior Research Fellow
> Aga Khan University
> Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations
> 210 Euston Road
> London, NW1 2DA

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